We highly value academic learning time at Veterans Elementary School and encourage all students to be at school on time everyday. In addition, accounting for student absences now provides funding for our school based only on students who are actually in attendance. Please help our school’s financing by scheduling medical and dental appointments outside school hours. All absences must be reported to the school by the parent/guardian within 72 hours or they will be recorded as “unexcused” absences. Student absences considered to be “excused” absences for attendance purposed are those (a) due to illness, (b) due to quarantine under the direction of a city or county health officer, (c) for the purpose of having medical, dental, optometrical, or chiropractic services rendered, (d) for the purpose of attending funeral services. All other reasons will be recorded as an “unexcused” absence (i.e. family vacations, business trips). Education Code Section 48260 states that a pupil absent from school without valid excuse more than 3 days or tardy in excess of 30 minutes on each of more than 3 days in one school year is a truant and shall be reported to the attendance supervisor or superintendent of the school district.
According to the cde.ca.gov website, “Regular school attendance is a necessary part of the learning process and the means to graduation with a good education. Students who are frequently absent may be putting their futures in jeopardy. Chronic absenteeism, especially, truancy is a behavior that is highly associated with dropping out of school. Regular attendance is essential for success in school.”
Our school day begins at 8:14 a.m. each morning. Every time a child is tardy to school he/she misses valuable instructional time. A tardy student also disrupts the educational process for other students in the class, as the teacher must stop instruction to get the late student on task. Please do everything possible to get your child to school on time and prepared to learn.
Students who are absent from school five or more consecutive days for reasons other than illness should contact their teacher (72 hours in advance of the absence) about an Independent Study. This will allow the student’s teacher time to issue class work ahead of time. An Independent Study packet also needs to be picked up at the office 72 hours in advance and filled out prior to the absences. Please contact the Veterans attendance clerk for assistance with the independent study process. We will not issue Independent Studies after an absence has occurred.
Early dismissal is discouraged. However, if this must occur, for your child’s safety, a parent must stop at the school office to sign for the release of their child. Students will only be released to those parties listed by the parents or guardians on the students’ Emergency Card.